Tournament #29
/join PPBW in SC2
a year break we are back! That means that we have a lot of bi-weeklys
to catch up on so we are supreming this tournament and holding it every
week! Sign up and win your dinner!
ShazamPoof, Edennil, Siegfried
Casters: <------- Streaming tonight's tournament
General Rules
-Any league can participate
-Brackets will be randomly generated at the start of the tournament, make sure the tournament has started before trying to contact your opponent
-After a 10 min delay the first game will be forfeited, 15 min delay and second game will be forfeited.
-Races may be changed at the beginning of the match, but not changed in between games
-Don't do anything your mother wouldn't do, no hacking, cheating, smurfing or compromising the integrity of the tournament.
-PPBW will be the primary location for communication and will be used to determine if players are present. /join PPBW in SC2
-EVERY Sunday at 7:00pm Eastern [please check your time zone]
-Check in starts 30 mins before
-Every series before the Round of 16 is a Bo1. The Round of 16 and after is a Bo3
-1v1 Current Season Map Pool
-Veto System Bo1 Ban: ABABAB Pick: A Bo3 Ban: ABAB Pick: ABA
-Person on top of bracket is A, Person on bottom is B
-There must be at least 8 players
-Upon winning a tournament admin will ask for details to deliver the pizza and it will be ordered that night.
-You must be able to pick up or have a pizza delivered to your house from a major chain, located in the USA
will be a medium cheese pizza from the closest pizza chain, ie Pizza
hut or Papa Johns. Whichever place is most convenient, and ordering can
be done online.
-If players do not want a pizza, a $5 prize can be substituted via PayPal
Previous Winners
starkillersc x9
raze416 x4
PandaBearMe x3
Orion x2
McMonroe22 x2
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